Make an impact
with every Hire
✓ Recruit loyal talent
✓ Build a diverse workforce
✓ Change lives in your community
Get a white-glove recruitment service and change lives in your community
“Standing Tall provide a really, really comprehensive white-glove recruitment service in association with helping someone get off the streets.”
— Shane Kiely, HR & Wellbeing Manager, Lambe Construction
“We use Standing Tall as an additional arm to recruiting for two reasons. One, it benefits us. And two, it’s a way of helping people that has a direct, positive impact — rather than just giving money.”
— Kirsty Davies-Chinnock, Managing Director, Professional Polishing
These smart businesses trust us to hire talent
As a business leader you want to do well — and do good
No matter what industry you’re in:
You want diversity but find yourself recruiting from the same old pools
(recruiting people gets harder and harder)
You’re looking for ways to ‘give back’ as a business - beyond giving money
(you do loads already - but donation-based impact can feel short-lived)
You want to make a positive impact but you don’t have an endless pot of cash
(impact has to make business sense to be scaleable)
Build a fairer society with a safe, structured and supported recruitment solution that changes lives for good
Hire diverse talent. Stand up for change
“I’m recruiting”
How does it work?
You can register your interest in becoming a Standing Tall Employer by giving us a call. Or by filling out this short form. It takes 30 seconds.
You’ll share your job description and we’ll spend time getting to know you and your business.
We’ll chat through all the practicalities, including how you’ll support your new teammate. For example, will they have a line manager that’ll keep us up to date with progress.
We have already been working with candidates one-on-one for six weeks before we make an introduction. So we already know them pretty well.
This step is about all of us coming together for an informal interview of sorts - so we can all be sure it’s a good fit.
We take care of employment responsibilities for you, for the first three months.
We advise that your new teammate works no more than 35 hours per week for the first three months. This gives everyone time to adjust. -
At the end of third month we’ll send you your new teammate’s P45, so you can switch them over to your pay roll. And they’ll sign your own employment contracts.
But it’s not totally over to you! Standing Tall will continue to support your new teammate closely for at least three months - and as long as they need us.
How do you know it’s safe?
Our Model. Your Impact.
When you recruit talent with us, you get the safety and reassurance of a proven model we’ve been developing and fine-tuning for four years.
Six months of background
Candidates are referred to us by trusted partner organisations — so we already have at least six months of background information before we start our own series of assessments.
You’re in safe hands because for four years we’ve been carefully selecting people who are ready — and excited — to turn their lives around.
Six weeks of assessment
We work with candidates one-on-one for six weeks before making an introduction.
You don’t have to carry out full DBS background checks — because we we take care of that for you. We also perform a series of assessments to ensure candidates are trustworthy, reliable — and ready to thrive given the chance.
Meticulous matching
Next we meticulously match you with a suitable candidate. We spend time understanding your needs first — we don’t take this responsibility lightly.
As a business, Standing Tall employs your new teammate on your behalf for the first three months. So it’s only once you’ve been working with your new teammate for three months - and you’re comfortable they’re a good fit, that you’ll take them on directly.
Step-by-step strengths-based approach rebuilds self esteem
Candidates grow in confidence from day one. And after six months they’re ready to get the keys to their own place.
Candidates work with us one-on-one for six weeks before we make an intro
They show up on time
We meet candidates weekly for six weeks. We get to know them. And build a relationship based on trust and respect.
They're background checked
Each Standing Tall candidate goes through a series of assessments with us — including enhanced DBS background checks.
They're supported at home
Candidates are supported both by Standing Tall and their Amici Host. Weekly check-ins allow us to support their progress and monitor financial and mental wellbeing.
They're ready!
Not everyone experiencing homelessness is ready to move away from the streets. That’s where our years of experience and person-centred approach come in.
When we put a candidate forward we’re confident they are cut out for your role and ready to begin living an independent life.
Hire talent with confidence
Real Living Wage Employer
We’re a Real Living Wage employer. Because a hard day's work deserves a fair day's pay.
Bespoke Matching
We take time to understand your needs, so you get the right person for the job.
Zero-risk trial
For the first 3 months, Standing Tall employs your new teammate on your behalf.
“We’re already on our 5th Standing Tall hire — and we’re committed to recruiting 10% of our workforce with them.”
— Michael Lambe, Managing Director, Lambe Construction
“The practical, supported and sustainable way to give back”
— Dan Nash, Nash Glass

EMPLOYER STORIES: Lambe Construction
See how you can build employee loyalty
600 Employees
5 Standing Tall Hires (so far!)
Hire highly-motivated, loyal employees who are carefully evaluated according to your job description and company culture over six weeks
Select candidates who have been through a thorough assessment and selection process developed over four years. Our model is proven to work for retail, construction, hospitality and manufacturing businesses.
Standing Tall is on call for advice and guidance - and your new teammate is fully supported in their home life.
Enjoy minimal risk, knowing that Standing Tall employs your new teammate directly on your behalf for the first three months, so you have time to get to know them properly before hiring them directly.
We recruit for a wide variety of sectors — and we can do
the same for you!
How do we compare?
Standard recruitment
✓ One-to-many recruitment service
✓ Minimal assessment
✓ On your books from day one
✓ Recruitment fees paid upfront
✓ Minimal knowledge of candidate in their home life
✓ Candidates on the open market
Standing Tall Recruitment
✓ White-glove recruitment service
✓ Candidates vetted over 6 months
✓ On Standing Tall books for 3 months
✓ Matching fees paid over 3 months
✓ Candidate fully supported in their home life; wellbeing & finance health checks
✓ Untapped pools of talent
✓ Personal dedicated point of contact to hold your hand for the first 3 months
✓ Safe, practical and supported way to change lives in your community
✓ Loyal employees who are turning their lives around - and will never forget you took a chance on them!
Are you ready to stand up for change?
Yes! I’m hiring talent for my business and I want to be part of the solution!
We spend six months vetting & getting to know candidates before making an introduction
Any other questions?
We’ve successfully recruited for businesses across a range of industries and we can do the same for you. We’ve had candidates who have been chefs, accountants and skilled tradesmen before they fell on hard times. Standing Tall talent is carefully matched to your business needs.
Since running night shelters in Birmingham almost five years ago, our founder has been helping people experiencing homelessness to move away from the streets for good. And it works. 85% of the people we work with are still off the streets and in the same job 1 year later. We’ve developed a model involving a series of assessments that allows us to identify when a person is ready to turn their life around.
From the moment you get in touch, we are there to hold your hand. You have a personal point of contact who is available any time you have a question. We do daily check-ins for the first week. Then weekly check-ins from week XX. We can also help you to get buy in from your team and help you to find the best way to communicate the change to your existing employees.
85% of the people we work with are still off the streets and in the same job 1 year later.
Yes! By the time we put a candidate forward for you, they have already worked with us for 6 weeks, so we’re confident in our selection. It’s at this point we all get together - call it an interview if you will - the aim is to get to know the candidate and for us all to determine whether it’s a good fit. We’re not ones to boast, but we’re rarely wrong.
We work closely with you from day one, so when something isn’t going to work out, we’ll know about it pretty quickly. We employ the candidate on your behalf for the first three months and our contracts can be terminated with immediate effect.
Talk about management. Some of our partners identify a buddy and someone who will communicate with us on a weekly and then monthly basis.
Yes! We have lots of experience helping Standing Tall Employers to communicate the change to their existing employees.
For the first three months, Standing Tall employs your new teammate on your behalf. Our contracts can be terminated with immediate effect.
If you pay at least the Real Living Wage. If you can nominate a dedicated member of staff to communicate progress with Standing Tall.
No. We believe in a fair day’s pay for a hard days work. That’s why we’re a proud Real Living Wage Employer. The UK Real Living Wage is £9.90 per hour.